A new online guide to assist your research into the Colonial Secretary’s Records, 1826–1900

A black and white photograph of the Education Head Office.

Department of School Education – Department of Education – Colonial Secretary’s Office. Education Head Office 1881–1915. State Archives Collection, MHNSW: NRS-15051-1-11-[582]-19

The Museums of History NSW have released the NSW Colonial Secretary’s records, 1826–1900: a guide to accessing them online on their website.

The guide was made available with the permission of Clive Smith and the Port Macquarie and Districts Family History Society Inc.

The correspondence from 1788–1825 has been indexed and digitised and is available in the Index to Colonial Secretary’s Papers 1788–1825. Some of the correspondence and related records created between 1826–1900 have been digitised and are available online via Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org. This guide helps users navigate this extensive record set online.

To learn more about the Colonial Secretary’s Papers, visit the Museums of History website.

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