A Legacy in Print: Honouring the Past and Embracing the Future of the JRAHS

Celebrate the storied past of the Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society (JRAHS), an essential outlet for Australian history since 1906.

Recorded live at History House on 25 February 2025, this event was chaired by Dr Samuel White, the Editor of the JRAHS. It provided a platform for discussions with a cross-section of past contributors, including local, early-career, and professional historians. The panel shared their inspirations, research methods, and advice for anyone considering submitting to the journal.

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About the speakers:

Dr Samuel White is the Editor of the Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society.

Ben Hingley is a legal historian and a doctoral candidate at the University of New England. His thesis is on martial law in the pre-Federation colonies.

Christine Yeats FRAHS is an archivist, Professional Historian and a former RAHS President. She is a past editor of the JRAHS and the current JRAHS Review Editor.

David Carment AM is Emeritus Professor of History at Charles Darwin University and a former RAHS President. The JRAHS published his first academic journal article in 1977.

Leonie Bell is a tour guide and local historian who has won the Ron Rathbone History Prize four times for her local history research. She is an active member of the Botany Bay Family History Society.

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