2023 Certificates of Achievement

RAHS Affiliated Societies are critical in promoting local and community history. The RAHS Certificates of Achievement honour the wide-ranging contributions made by their members.

Nominated by Australian Computer Museum Society

Murray Irwin

For his commitment and service since 2003. Murray has served as Membership Officer and Secretary since 2020. Through his generosity and dedication, Murray has raised significant funds by selling, collecting and recycling discarded and donated items. His attendance, advocacy, and support for the museum, its committee, and its members have inspired everyone within the Society. The Society acknowledges and appreciates Murray’s continuous and selfless contributions and dedicated service.

Nominated by Bathurst District Historical Society

Sarah Swift

For her commitment and service since 2018. In 2020, Sarah was elected to the committee and appointed Publicity Officer. She manages the Society’s social media and, as part of a sub-committee, recently upgraded the website and oversees its ongoing maintenance. Her recent publication, 75 Treasures: Celebrating 75 years of the Bathurst District Historical Society, has been well received by local historians. The Society’s members appreciate Sarah’s invaluable and worthwhile contributions.

Nominated by Berrigan and District Heritage Museum

Marnie Steer

For her commitment and service since 2003. Marnie has served as Secretary since 2005 and organises events and activities. She is involved with the recording and cataloguing of the museum collection. Her displays in the museum and support for fundraising events have always been appreciated. Marnie’s caring involvement also extends to her local community. The Museum acknowledges Marnie’s longstanding participation and enthusiasm throughout the years.

Nominated by Berrima District Historical and Family History Society

Sylvia Carless

For her commitment, enthusiasm and outstanding service to the Society and its museum since 2006. Sylvia’s tasks since 2007 have included preparing volunteer rosters, training volunteers and maintaining the museum’s grounds and gardens. As a sub-committee member, she performs counter duties and museum cleaning and assists with group bookings and functions. The Society recognises Sylvia’s significant contributions, local knowledge and cheerful manner.

John Schweers

For his commitment and contributions since 2010. John currently serves as Museum Manager, attending to the archives and museum, arranging group bookings, functions and promotions, and welcoming visitors. His many hours supporting the Society and other volunteers, instructing new members, having reliable attendance, and being able to sort out problems with a good sense of humour and patience are well received. He is passionate about passing on Berrima’s history to all visitors. John’s tireless efforts and dedication are worthy of the Society’s recognition and praise.

Nominated by Brunswick Valley Historical Society

Peter Tsicalas

For his commitment and service since 2001. Peter’s research into Greek heritage in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales has resulted in a website and two publications. Peter has also written on the history of Mullumbimby for the Society. Since 2010, he has written and compiled the Society’s newsletter and researched relevant local information. Peter has also assisted in maintaining and conserving the Society’s exhibits and park grounds and helped with the clean-up after the 2022 floods. The Society and the community recognise and appreciate Peter’s worthwhile contributions.

Susan Tsicalas

For her longstanding service since 2004. Susan currently serves as Treasurer, Secretary and Public Officer. She has been involved with the Society’s newsletter since 2010. She talks to visiting groups, answers enquiries and helps maintain exhibits. She researched the Wilsons Creek Primary School Centenary publication. She also organises the monthly meetings, designs and installs exhibitions, and was involved with the clean-up after the 2022 floods. The Society and the community recognise and appreciate Susan’s worthwhile contributions.

Nominated by City of Sydney Historical Association

Beverley Brooks

For her longstanding commitment and service since joining COSHA as a foundation member in 2000. Currently in her nineteenth year as President, Beverley has also served as Treasurer, General Secretary and Minutes Secretary. She organises the events, liaises with the presenters, maintains the website and social media, and chairs the monthly meetings. The Association acknowledges Beverley’s invaluable work and outstanding achievements. Her diligence and ethical management in these roles, and with assistance from members of its executive team, have ensured COSHA’s continuing success.

John Brooks

For his invaluable contributions over two decades with COSHA. John served as Newsletter Editor from 2007 to 2019 and as Treasurer and Membership Officer for the last four years. He continues to organise the printing and distribution of the newsletter. His commitment to members ensured they received their newsletter, their main form of interaction and communication during the lockdown restrictions of 2020–2021. John’s monitoring and management of finances and memberships are invaluable to the Association’s continuing success.

Nominated by Marrickville Heritage Society

Sue Castrique

For her commitment and service since 2018. Sue is a researcher, script editor, historian and speaker. She has volunteered for the Addison Road Community Organisation and has worked with the Addison Road Army Depot veterans. Sue’s published work has contributed to the history of Sydney and the Marrickville area. An ardent supporter of local and state libraries and archives, she has been vocal and proactive in lobbying for improved and accessible local study resources. The Society acknowledges Sue’s work as a promoter of local history.

Nominated by Parramatta and District Historical Society

Ronda Gaffey

For her commitment and service since 2014. Ronda’s contributions include guiding tours and presenting talks to members and other heritage groups. Since 2015, she worked as a Hambledon Cottage Guide and is involved with the Parramatta Female Factory Friends, serving as Secretary, Editor and Publicity Officer. Ronda has also been a Parramatta Heritage Partners Secretary since 2017. The Society recognises Ronda’s dedication to local and community history.

2023 Certificate of Appreciation

The RAHS Certificate of Appreciation honours the contribution made by RAHS volunteers.

Jessica Buckton

For her contribution to the RAHS website and for supporting RAHS operational activities. Jessica initially joined the RAHS as a Macquarie University intern. She worked with RAHS staff and Councillors to deliver the website Competition, Community and Country: Agricultural Shows in NSW, which contains resources that highlight the social, cultural and educational significance of agricultural shows in NSW. Jessica then became a volunteer and has supported online events, contributed content for Women’s History Month and continues to develop online resources.

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